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Membership date

  • 3/9/13


Howdy! My name is Beth. I was born and raised in Texas. I have a wonderful husband and two adorable sons that are full of life and mischief! My main passion is pets and I worked in the veterinary field for over 10 years prior to being a mom and returning after the kiddos were both in school fulltime.

Making bracelets has been a long time hobby of mine. I started making bracelets in grade school. Can't believe it's been a hobby of mine for almost 30 years! For a while, I had gotten bored with a bunch of the basic patterns I knew and I stopped making them. I figured I would sell or giveaway the handful I had left and be done with it. A few months before I joined, I discovered this site through several posts on Pinterest and got a new surge of excitement about bracelets! I was (and still am) in awe of all the amazing combinations and patterns. I've spent a lot of my free-time since then making bracelets, participating in the weekly contests and some swaps, and building a sizeable stash! I have since opened an Etsy shop and I hope to sell through there as well as locally and at craft fairs.

I seem to have inherited my mom's craftiness since I dabble in a lot of other crafts as well, such as crochet, sewing, jewelry making, cross-stitch, embroidery, book binding, digital design, and all things Cricut.

As an added note, I'm very interested in personal swaps, so please let me know if you'd like to do one!