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Membership date

  • 6/15/13


Hey There! I'm Diana (Didi) ,I'm 18 years old and I live in Romania. I make bracelets since I was 11 and it's one of my favourite hobbies.
The others are : Music,Photography,Films,Drawing,Painting,Creating Stuffs in general!!

I Love The 80's for their music,fashion and style,my favourite band is Duran Duran,but I also love other big musicians from that period and from nowadays (U.K.)!!

Nick Rhodes is my inspiration (He's a great man)
I'm in "Loki's Army"
Tom Hiddleston & Benedict Cumberbatch are the best...
Marvel is my Universe and Superheroes (even Villains) are my friends...

I like many other things but I need a long list for them, so I think that's enough what I just said :-)

Thanks to my cousin who taught me how to make bracelets!!
Without her I couldn't do few of these creations!!