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Membership date

  • 7/12/10


Making friendship bracelets is my Summer thing. All Summer long I'll make them and I'll wear every single one I make.

I don't like making ugly friendship bracelets because once I start, it's so hard to finish so I use a lot of whites and girly colors and really good looking patterns.

At the rate I'm going, I'll probably be through all of my string in a couple of weeks. Once I find a good pattern or good colors for inspiration, their is no stopping me. But the moment will pass eventually and I'll get sick of them for a few months and then start making them again. I mostly make them during the Summer because I don't like wearing them in other seasons and each pile of bracelets I collect by the end of the Summer has their own memories and I keep them in envelopes.

So yeah, pretty bracelets, pretty patterns. That's pretty much all you'll be seeing from me. =]