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(( How to... )) Create a Tutorial

Table of contents
1 - Create Tutorial
2 -
Edit Tutorial
3 -
Upload Images
4 -
Upload Videos
   4.0 -
Option 1
   4.1 -
Option 2
4 -
Using different text colours, text sizes and text styles
   4.0 -
Using different text colours
   4.1 -
Using different text sizes
   4.2 -
Using different text styles
4 -
Saving and Publishing
5 -

Create Tutorial

First of all you log in, then go to the Tutorials page. Click on "Create tutorial".

Edit Tutorial

Now you go into view/edit mode. On top, you see your tutorial. Below, you see the code for it, and you can write ordinary text or BBcode there. You can add existing images and youtube videos to your tutorial. Check the BBCode page for information on how to do that.

Upload Images

Upload images to your tutorial on the same page, below the Edit Tutorial field. Choose your file and press Upload Image. Your image file must be of format JPG and smaller than a certain limit (check yourself). If the image is OK then it will land in a folder belonging to your tutorial. It will also be renamed to a number. You can see all your uploaded images just above the image uploader. Put them into your tutorial using BBCode. There is also a limit for how many images you can upload, check yourself for fresh info.

Upload Videos

There are two ways to link a video to the tutorial.

Option 1

Simply link the video address by using the BBCode.

Option 2

Our site links to youtube easily by using the BBCode.

Using different text colours, text sizes and text styles

Using different text colours

You can use text of different colours in your tutorial. Check the BBCode page for information on how to do that.

You can use the names of colours in the BBCode like this [color=name of colour]text you want to be in that colour[/color] such as maroon, fuchsia, red, yellow, lime, green, olive, aqua, teal, blue, navy,purple,white*, silver, gray and black

*the colour white won't be visible

You can also use the hex codes of colours in the BBCode like this [color=hex code of colour]text you want to be in that colour[/color] for example ff8800 for orange.

Using different text sizes

You can use text of different sizes in your tutorial. Check the BBCode page for information on how to do that.

You can use

size 1

size 2

size 3

size 4

and size 5.

Using different text styles

You can use different styles of text. Check the BBCode page for information on how to do that.

You can
underline your text*,
centre your text,

use italic text
and use bold text.

*the code for underlining text is currently not working

Saving and Publishing

When you are done with editing, click Save and your tutorial is saved.


Moderators have to check the tutorial! There are a few rules for tutorials:


A tutorial...

-must contain instructions on how to make crafting related to friendship bracelets or it needs to be related to the site.
-needs to be written in proper english.
-must not contain objectionable material.
-must not be used as a public image dump.
-must not be like a gallery of personal photos.
-is in the wiki format, built by EVERYONE on the site (everyone can edit it). Therefore, a tutorial should not be formulated as made by one user only.
-should have a short but describing title, containing relevant keywords. It may not contain usernames, excessive/strange characters or begin with a special characters just to get higher up in the tutorial list.
-Should be unique. If there are two similar tutorials, they should be merged.

Hope this makes sense to you.



The original author of this tutorial is Stefan but it was also edited by Foz, Sareana, Kestrel, k_marie, Alicat, kleinevos and halokiwi.

Uploaded photos

There is no photo for this tutorial yet. Click here to upload photos of your work!
