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I've had alot of people asking me how to make this on facebook so I've decided to make a tutorial on how to make this very simple but great looking bracelet.

This bracelet is easy for anyone who is new to making friendship bracelets or advanced.

To start this 10 string design you will need 3 colours. For this one I've decided to choose blue, orange and green.
I've used 4 blue and green for the block colours and 2 orange for the arrow shape.

Then when your ready arrange them as B B B B O O G G G G like in the photo below.

This bracelet starts in the middle. Take both your orange strings and make a forward knot in the center, then continue with the forward knots over the green strings until you have something like this.

The with the orange string in the middle you want to do backward knots over the blue and create your orange arrow shape like below.

Your string order should now be O B B B B G G G G O

Then starting from the middle again you will be doing the same thing with the blue over the green like so.

Continue with the blue like you did with the orange using forward knots and then you should have something like this.

Then with the first green in the middle you want to do a backwards knot over the blue.

Continue doing this until you have the green over on the left like this.

Starting from the middle repeat the forward knots with the blue like you have just done.

and the same using backwards knots with the green.

You want to continue doing the same until you get the orange back in the middle.

Then simply with the orange and like in step 1 do an arrow shape.

Your string order should now be O G G G G B B B B O

and you just simply repeat the steps above. The Blue and green will alternate all through the pattern and then you'll finish with something looking like this :)

This was the first pattern I ever learned to make and I still enjoy it today, I hope you do too :D

If you want to see the video here is the URL I hope this helped (note by Krupapatel1030)


The original author of this tutorial is Acid .

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