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How to make a kandi cuff


1. Elastic string
2. Pony beads
3. Scissors

1. Take the end of the elastic string and put an even amount of beads on it to fit your wrist easily(for beginners, make all the beads for the first row the same color). Do not do any knots on the string. Then take the end of your string and make it REALLY long (around 3 ft. or more depending on the size of the cuff). take both ends of the elastic string and do a tight double knot. Cut the part that's still connected to the rest of the thread to be small enough to fit under one of the beads, DO NOT CUT THE OTHER END.

2. Take the long/only end of your string and put another bead on that's a different color, skip one bead, and put the string under the next one. String on a bead, skip one then put it under the next. Do this over and over again until you go all the way around. Always remember to pull the string every once and awhile.

3. Once you reach the end, put the string under the first bead and do step 2 again. The difference is that now you want it to be the same color bead and it sorta shows which beads you should be skipping and which to go under. If you can't tell which, go under the ones popping up and skip the ones that are still low. Do this all the way around. The kandi cuff should eventually be able to stand up on its own.

4. Do steps 2 and 3 over and over again until you want to end the kandi cuff. To end it, I would just do a double knot on the string under it. Cut off the excess string and now you have a kandi cuff.

Note: Don't try on the cuff too early otherwise it will get screwed up and it will be a little hard to continue.

If you didn't understand that here are some videos (they are not made by me) :

The website below is just like except for kandi cuffs. The pattern used for this tutorial is the easiest one, so i wouldn't recommend doing any of the patterns on this site until you get experienced enough to understand how it works.


The original author of this tutorial is piggyfan2 but it was also edited by princess_5775, abbyskigirl, AutumnRane, k_marie and JustbeingMe.

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