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A Tutorial for "Wellenband"

Hi folks,
I decided to make a Tutorial for a bracelet that is called "Wellenband" (wave bracelet) - I found this in a german book by Marina Schories.

Basically you need to know how to ty forward and backward knots like in the chevron pattern.

So - let's get started: You need 8 strings - 4 black ones and 4 silver (white) ones. Cut them into 100cm long strings. Order them like this: black=B, Silver=S

Look at the pattern I made:

now start with the first silver string (F1) and knot fk over black (F2), silver (F3), black(F4), black(F5), silver(F6), black(F7), silver(F8). Put this string aside.
(A) second row: the same but don't knot over the last string (the silver one you have knotted before)
Continue like that, but always put your string aside and knot in every row one knot less.

(B) After 7 rows (the last row is only one knot) you start to take the strings you have put aside and use them again - you begin to ty back with bk to the left. first row is two knots, second is three knots,....

then after that continue until you take your silver string (the first from the beginning) and knot 7 bk over every string.
it should now look like that:

this was the first part. Now we come to the second part.
(C) with the black string on the right side you knot 6 backward knots over every string (but not the silver one on the far left). Now again same as above, every row one knot less... last one is a black one- knot:

(D) Now again with forward knots. first row has two knots, second has three and so on. Note that your last string is silver and should have 7 knots.
now your work should look like that:

To continue, just repeat the steps from step (A) to (D). Your color order change a bit with the time.

The whole bracelet looks like this:

If you wear it on the "wrong" side - with your knots above, it looks also very beautiful!

don't tighten the loose strings to much, the bracelet should be straight and not ziggy-zaggy.

I hope my explanations are understandable, bc English is not my first language ;)
I you have questions- ask me.

Happy knotting!!! :)


The original author of this tutorial is SunnyAnnie .

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