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(( How to... )) Create a Video Tutorial

Table of contents
1 - Step 1. Record
2 -
Step 2. Upload on YouTube
3 -
Step 3. Get the video code
4 -
Step 4. Create a tutorial
5 -
Step 5. Embed the video

Step 1. Record

Record your video and transfer it to your computer.

Step 2. Upload on YouTube

Since this site does not host videos, you need to upload the video to YouTube. Go to, login, and upload your video.

Step 3. Get the video code

When your video is uploaded on youtube, go to the page showing your video. Get the URL (web address) to that page. Locate the video code. It is a part of the URL leading to your video. Example:

If your video URL is:

Then your video code is: MDmW0IlZDu4

Step 4. Create a tutorial

Go to the Tutorials page and press Create tutorial.

Step 5. Embed the video

The video code can be used to embed your video in a tutorial on this site. When you have created a tutorial, type this into your tutorial and the video will appear in it:


Read more about BBCode here


The original author of this tutorial is Stefan but it was also edited by Kestrel, k_marie and Alicat.

Uploaded photos

There is no photo for this tutorial yet. Click here to upload photos of your work!
