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(( How to... )) Watermark Photos

With people constantly stealing photos from this site, it's important to be able to watermark your photos to prove that they're yours. With this tutorial, you'll have a few different options on how to mark yours.

GIMP is essentially a free photoshop. It's what I use for almost all of my photo editing. If you don't already have GIMP on your computer, you'll need to download it.

Choose a font you like, and make sure it's installed on your computer. If you don't have one you love, try looking on DAFont.

Open your picture in GIMP, and select the font tool:

Select a region on your photo that covers at least part of the bracelet - a part where, if cropped, you would miss the bulk/majority of the bracelet:

Add your username, website, full name, etc. Feel free to add a copyright symbol (alt code is alt+0169). Make sure the color is noticeable and makes your tag stand out. Save The picture, and upload to the site!


Piknik is a way to watermark your photos without downloading anything to your computer. With this option, you can also change the transparency, which allows your name to go across all of your bracelet.
First, you'll need to upload your photos here.

Once uploaded, select the text feature.

You can select different fonts, colors, and even add a fade to your text.

When saving the picture to your computer, you can resize it. I usually resize to 1000x1000, which makes it small enough to almost always be accepted by the flash uploader. Save it to your computer, and done!


The original author of this tutorial is Carrie but it was also edited by .

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