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Shaped Bracelets With Patterns

Okay, a lot of people have been wanting to make this bracelet, and the website it used to be on is down, so I made a little tutorial on how I made this bracelet.
Basically, the solid line of color on the sides means to do the shaped bracelet technique.
The inside stuff is read like a normal pattern.
You do the first heart (with the green background) on one side, then move to the second heart (with the blue background). you have the beginnings of what appears to be two separate bracelets.
Well you should do the shaped bracelet technique to the outsides of both bracelets and then for the inside (to start on the next heart) simply knot a pink string from the inside right side of the bracelet over the first green inside left side of the bracelet and continue to do the middle.

I hope that makes sense.
If you have more questions ask and I may be able to post more pictures to help clarify what I am trying to say.

For all of the patterns The solid line of color on the sides represents the shaped bracelet technique and the number at the top is how many strings are needed.

This is my attempt to make a pattern of a cat for shaped bracelet. If you are making a wide bracelet, middle squares will have the same schematics, except forward knots will be backward and backward knots will be forward. This is so you can have contrasting colors in adjacent squares. You can see the bracelet itself in the images.


Swirl Pattern

Heart and Checkers Pattern

Lady Bug Pattern
This one is a little different, you have to keep the strings in the right order to get the pattern correct. Good luck. :)

Flower Pattern

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Scratch what I said about making the same knots for the middle hearts. I just looked at the pattern and the middle hearts are made using the OPPOSITE knots used for your bordered hearts. So instead of doing backward knots to make the heart, you'll do forward knots. This is only for the hearts in the middle. The two outside hearts use the same knots.?


The original author of this tutorial is allicatdancer .

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