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(( Bracelets )) Bubble Bracelet

***DISCLAIMER*** - I did not invent this bracelet, I saw a picture of it and figured out how to make it on my own. If I knew who did make it, I would list their name; but again, I didn't invent this, just the tutorial.

This is my first tutorial, so if anyone sees anything wrong with it, feel free to edit the problem :)

To make this bracelet, you'll need to know how to do these:

To start, you will need 8 strings: 2 strings of 4 colors. I'll be referring to them as colors A (blue), B (yellow), C (gold), and D (pink). I used one 6-foot-long strand of each color, then folded them in half.

Set up: ABCDDCBA (I set mine up by making the first half of a buckle.)

STEP 1: Make 4 Chevron/Arrowhead rows, 1 of each color, in alphabetical order (starting with A and ending with D.)

STEP 2: Now we're going to make the middle section. Set aside all A (blue) and B (yellow) strings. Now take the the D (pink) string on the left and make a bw knot on the C (gold) string next to it. Repeat this on the other side, making a fw knot with the D string over the other C one.

STEP 3: Make a fw (or bw) knot between the two C strings.

STEP 4: Now take the D string on the left and make a fw knot over the C string next to it. Repeat on the other side, but make a bw knot with the C string over the D string instead of a fw knot.

STEP 5: Repeat steps 2 - 4 two more times. (There should be three dots made of color C.)

STEP 6: Now take the A (blue) and B (yellow) strands on one side. Using the A strand, make about 25 Chinese staircase knots over the B string, or until the Chinese staircase section is about 1/3 longer than the middle section.

STEP 7: Using the A and B strings on the other side, repeat step 6.

STEP 8: Using the A string on the left, make fw knots across the C and D strings next to it. Repeat on the right side, using bw instead of fw knots. Knot both the A strings together.

STEP 9: Using the B strings, create 1 Chevron/Arrowhead row. Strings should be set up like this: CDABBADC

To continue the bracelet, repeat steps 2 - 9 for each "bubble" section. But on the next section, the colors will be all switched around. On the even-numbered sections (and by "even-numbered," I mean the 2nd, 4th, etc. times you repeat steps 2 - 9), what was D will know be B, what was B will now be D, what was A will now be C, and what was C will now be A. It sounds reall confusing, but it really isn't, as long as you pay attention to how the strings are set up. The colors go back to how they were originally set up on each odd-numbered repeat of steps 2 - 9 (i.e. the 1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.)

STEP 10: Make 4 rows of a regular Chevron/Arrowhead pattern. Finish off however you want (in my case, the other half of the buckle.)

Once you understand how this bracelet is constructed, it's not too hard to tweak it. For the green/yellow one in the picture, I only used 2 colors (obviously), I traded the Chinese staircase knot for fw/bw and bw/fw knots, and I did a Chevron/Arrowhead pattern all the way down the bracelet. I also shortened the length of each section. It would probably be crazy easy to add beads and stuff, so just use your imagination and have fun with it :)


The original author of this tutorial is crazycoltsfan .

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