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How to make a bag

You'll need:
- yarn/floss
- tape (to tape it to a table or flat surface while knotting)
- scissors, sewing thread, and a needle

Then choose a pattern:

Tape down the outermost threads of the pattern (purple), and fasten all the other threads onto that thread using lark's head knots.

add all the threads according to the pattern

note that the purple thread we used as a base is also involved in the pattern, so there are no loose threads left over

So whip up such a size that we need

Making knots, cut the excess thread.

And this is the inside.

??????, ????????? 2/3 ??????? ?????????? ???????? ?????

???? ?? ?????


create a thong


Cover bends, the bag is ready


The original author of this tutorial is Anikava .

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