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Lanyard bracelet

This is the same method used to make lanyards. I had a spark of genius and realized it would work with floss as well for bracelets. You can either make a "box" or a "spiral" design.

1. To get started, you need 2 threads of different colors. They will equal 4 folded in half. place them in an "X" form in the center of the threads.

2. Place a pencil, pen, or even a kitting needle in the center of the "X". The bigger the object you use, the bigger your loop for tying it will be. I used a pencil.

3. Pick up the strings and pencil, be carefull not to moove them around too much. Choose what you want your "top thread" to be. I will refer to it as thread 1. Take thread 1 and put it downwards over your thumb. hold it with your fingers.

4. Take the different color string from the right (thread 2) and put it to the left across your thumb. Hold it in place with your fingers.

5. Take the bottom thread (string 3) and put it to the top of your thumb. Be carefull not to put it to the right of thread 1. Hold it against the pencil with your index finger.

6. Take the last remaining string (thread 4) and take it to the right across your thumb, and tuck it under thread 1. Be careful to keep it above thread 2.

7. Pull them until they are snug to the pencil, but not so tight you will not be able to slide it off.

Now, time to chose if you want to make a spiral or a box. If you want a spiral, just follow steps 1-7 until you have it the length you need.. For the box, continue down the tutorial.

8. Now you probably noticed we previously went in a clockwise direction for the first bit. now you want to go counter clockwise. Take thread 1 and take it downward over your thumb.

9. Take thread 4 and take it to the right over your thumb, and hold it with your finger.

10. Take thread 3 and put it upward over your thumb, keeping it to the right of sring 1.

11. take thread 2 and take it to the left over your thumb, tucking it under thread 1.

12. Keep reapeating going clockwise, counter clockwise, clickwise, ECT.

I will be posting pictures as soon as I shrink them.


The original author of this tutorial is LizzardBeth04 .

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