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Attaching a keychain to a bracelet

Table of contents
1 - Things needed
2 -
Method 1
   2.0 -
Step 1
   2.1 -
Step 2
   2.2 -
Step 3
   2.3 -
Step 4
   2.4 -
Step 5
2 -
Method 2
   2.0 -
Method 2a
2 -
Copyrights, Sources or whatever you want to call it
Hey guys! This is more of a promised tutorial for tazor44 since she/he didn't exactly get my answer to her question in the forum. :| Awkward on my part. So, to explain things better, this tutorial now comes to light. Hopefully this is easier to understand, considering I'm no good in explaining... :/

So, to get things started, I will divide this into 2 parts; Method 1 and Method 2. Method 2, however, I will divide into 2 subsections: Method 2a and Method 2b

Things needed

A keychain (the one you regularly see just about anywhere)

(For this one, disregard the action figure. All you need is just the keyring on top and the row of smaller loops/rings that attaches the action figure and the keyring together.)


The bracelet/s you want to put a keyring on

Now that that's over, I can now get started :D

Method 1

In method 1, what you need here is the keyring, complete with the smaller loops/rings, pliers and the bracelet.

Step 1

First, you need to have a finished bracelet. What you do here now is, to make it easier, is to use either a paperclip or a safety pin to poke a hole into the 2nd or 3rd row of the bracelet. This step however, is optional.

Step 2

The picture here pretty much explains everything for this step. Well, part of it. :| What you do here now, is to detach the last ring from the row of tiny loops you have in the keychain, so you should be left with a keyring and a row of tiny loops and a separate tiny loop.. By then, it should look like this:

or, more preferably, this:

Step 3

Now that you have an open loop and a bracelet that may or may not have a hole, the goal is the same. Stick in the loop in the center of the 2nd or 3rd row of the bracelet. It should now look like this:

Step 4

Now, before you close the ring, sealing it off, slide in the keyring and it should end up like this:

Step 5

Using the pliers, seal the loop you used for the bracelet and the keyring, and TADA! You have successfully made a keychain! :D

Method 2

Method 2 is more of a variation of Method 1. The only difference here would be the variation between Method 2a and Method 2b. So here, all you need is the keyring and the bracelet.

Method 2a

Step 1

Step 1 here is fairly the same as Step 1 in Method 1. This, however, is not optional. You really will need to poke a hole in it, otherwise, you'll have a harder time.

Copyrights, Sources or whatever you want to call it

I own nothing. All copyright goes to it's respective owners! The only thing I'm claiming here is the wording of the tutorial, and the pictures of the keychain with the Divergent pattern. The rest of the images are NOT mine, and are used purely for visual aid only. This is customary with me, since I don't want to commit copyright infringement
Alpha of a cat/ multicolor alpha bracelet:
Pliers and ring:


The original author of this tutorial is realornotreal .

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