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(( Patterns )) How to knot #25227 in sections

as requested by gracebri :-)

Following the general idea and advice of Rissa's tutorial A faster Way to Tie this tutorial will show you how to tie #25227 in sections.

Of course you don't have to do it this way, and if you're more comfortable following the pattern row for row, and tying your bracelet horizontally, then this will seem absurd and unnecessarily confusing. This way, however, will make it a lot easier to memorise the pattern since you work with the structure of the pattern, and not just with single, individual knots.

Since this pattern does not use the same colours on either side it would be easier to start with braids, rather than a buckle. However, I love challenges almost as much as I love buckles -- therefore we will be making a buckle.

Make a buckle (as shown in e.g. this tutorial), but leave out strings B, C, I, and J. You could add those colours in single threads on either side of the bracelet, but we'd have eight loose bits of threads to work into the bracelet -- and that simply won't do.

I'm working on the back of my swivel chair, so I'm pinning everything down. You could just as well use a firm pillow, or, of course, a clipboard. Place B and C on the left, and I and J on the right side, and let's get cracking.

Here I've made the first row of knots, just because it's the easiest way to figure out how wide the bracelet will be, and to provide enough room for all the threads. These are the eight knots in the middle of the pattern -- and on either side there is one black (A) and the single white thread (D) left over:

Working from the inside out, add B and C according to the pattern. So far it should look like this:

Finish the side triangle on the left side of the bracelet by continuing to make bk with C, D, A, and A.

Just keep going as you would if you were making a candy stripe, till it looks like this:

Now that we've taken care of the left side, we'll repeat that on the right. First add in the extra threads I and J, and then complete the right side triangle by making fk with threads I, D, A, and A:

If you look at the pattern, you'll see that the green parts of the celtic knot go over the yellow parts. Therefore, we'll start on the right side, with the yellow.

We'll make as much of the yellow part as we can, meaning we'll make a reverse chevron with H, and then with G, going as far as the fbk. Since the green part ends with a fk over black, we'll have to make that black knot as well:

For the green we'll work in reverse chevrons too, starting with F. On the right we'll make fk till we reach the black, and on the left we'll make bk and end in a bfk. With E we'll follow the same route as with F, making fk until we reach the black thread, and on the left to the bfk. Don't forget to make the black knot at the centre.

We'll finish off this section by making one fk with E, two fk with F, and three fk with black.

This is where things turn really easy since this celtic knot kind of pattern has the basic structure of a weave. So, make four bk with H, and four bk with G, and finish with one black knot.

Do that again on the right side; 4 bk G, 5 bk F, and close off with the black background.

You'll notice that we're working the pattern from side to side -- right to left, and then left to right again. We'll keep doing this, making one section after the other. The next will be blue -- which is basically the same as we did at the very beginning with the yellow.

Once you've finished the blue section, move left towards green, another green, and pink. The structure of the pink is the same as the green section above it, only with an added black three-knot triangle.

Now that we've reached the left side, we'll move right again:

And back over to the left:


And left again...

We've finished the celtic knot part of the pattern, so now we'll make the diamond at the centre, and both side triangles -- the order in which we make these is up to you:

Now we can start up top again since the knot structure remains the same, only the colours differ.

Repeat as many times as necessary, and finish with two braids to go with the buckle. Done!


The original author of this tutorial is Foz but it was also edited by .

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