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The Stretchable Button Bracelet

This stretchable button bracelet is an adorable addition to any outfit.

You can use ANY type of button of any size, shape or color for this project. Have fun and make a funky mix that expresses your personality. Gold tones and teal, multicolor or black and white. They ALL look adorable and are all equally affordable.

You could use a needle if you are having trouble with the cord. I just didn't want to bother since I stab myself way too much when sharp objects are involved.

Another way this can be made is with elastic tape. Cut an elastic tape to a bit tighter than you would want the end product to be (I've noticed that the buttons make it a bit bigger- maybe their weight pulling on the elastic), but add about 3/4" on the end. Sew the ends together (accounting for this 3/4"), and sew each button on seperately: secure each one on with a knot. Continue on until all buttons have been sewn on, then tie a finishing securing knot. You're done!

Here's mine:



The original author of this tutorial is BeyondBracelets .

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