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3-in-1 Bracelet

This is a new bracelet that I came up with. I wanted something I could literally just whip together. This is such an easy bracelet and I hope you guys like it.

Here we go!

Start off with 3 colors, the 2 you want in the center, and 1 for the sides. I chose brown as my sides.
Cut your bracelet by normal standards. Cut 2 browns the same length, and then one of each for your other colors. This gives you 4 strands, but 3 colors. Tie your bracelet as you like. And now we start!

With the color you wish to start with (mine is purple), make a forward-backward over both the 2nd color and "base" color, which is brown for me. A f-b is a 4, shown above. Below is the P, completing the knot. Pull gently and to the side keeping your knot square.

Now repeat with the other color you chose (my blue) doing it in the opposite way. One P then one 4.


The original author of this tutorial is ElleMay but it was also edited by Foz, Macarrones, _esv_, Squishy5454, purpledisaster, Matina, Kestrel, monaelis777, JesusLover, Assassino, ninga62, Alicat, boesangel, Vincoune, kskeel96, kleinevos and BobCorpora.

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