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Alpha/Letter patterns

This tutorial should learn people how to make the Alpha patterns (also called Letter-, alphabeth- or cross-stitch patterns). The video below shows you how to do it while the rest of the tutorial tries to explain it ^^

The only knot you will need to make this kind of pattern is the half-hitch knot:

Got the knots? Let's start!

1. You'll need as many threads as the patterns witdh (eight if you choose one of my suggested letters), plus one in the background colour.

2. Start with the blue thread to the left and make right-hand knots. This will be the first row of the pattern in the letter A (see step 1).

3. Use the same thread but change direction and make two left-hand knots. When you get to the third knot from the right, the A pattern tells us it shall be a brown knot there instead of blue. Just take the brown thread in question and make a righthand knot "on top of" the blue one.

4. In this way you can choose colour of the next knot. Follow the pattern in step 1 until row 2 is finished.

5. Change direction again and make row 3. Tie right-hand knots to make blue knots and left-hand knots to make brown ones. Follow the pattern.

6. When you've finished the first letter, you can continue with the next. You find suggestions for letters below.

Hope this tutorial made sense to you and that you rate it :)


The original author of this tutorial is Stefan but it was also edited by Gracie04, CupHearts, iluvmyspud, Kittycat, password1232343, braceletcrazy12, tennischiac95, spiffehgymnast, matiasgroso99, Sareana, funcrazyhelen, Geyn, alexisbadd, Kris10, MashaOrange, piggyfan2, feemis, RockePloeger, Kestrel, k_marie, diana923, MOOONICA, moderna2009, Foz, Braceletdude, Matina, CherryBelle, manejapis, HarleyMama23, heartzeinab, jess0027, kleinevos and Masha_Knots.

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