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(( Bracelets )) Rainbow Arches

Table of contents
1 - Materials and Set up
2 -
Step by Step
   2.0 -
Step 1
   2.1 -
Step 2
   2.2 -
Step 3
   2.3 -
Step 4
   2.4 -
Step 5
   2.5 -
Step 6
   2.6 -
Step 7
   2.7 -
Step 8
   2.8 -
Step 9
   2.9 -
Step 10
   2.10 -
Step 11
   2.11 -
Step 12
2 -
Edit for the 'Rainbow Arches' Pattern

Materials and Set up

Choose as many strings as you would like depending on how thick you want it. I usually use 7 strings but you can do whatever you like.

Fold the strings in half. If you are using 7 strings you would now have 14 strings. String should be about 60 inches or 5 feet long.

Line them up then put them together so that both strings are together to make one. For example I have purple, pink, green, white, black, brown, and blue so my purples will be together to make it twice as thick. You will be working with double strands.

Step by Step

Step 1

Take the first strings and tie them with the next strings if you are using the same strings that i am then you would be taking the pink strings an tying them twice with green strings just forward knots all the way to the last strings so to the purple.

By the way, I am going to be explaining it with the strings I am using so you can follow along.

Step 2

Then take the green strings and do forward knots until you get to the pink strings and stop there, so you dont go over the pink, just tie it up to the pink.

Step 3

Tie the blue strings up to the green using all forward knots.


Step 4

Tie the brown strings until you get to the blue (forward knots).

Step 5

Tie the white strings to the white or creme color to the brown just forward knots.

Step 6

Tie a forward backward knot with the black

Step 7

Tie backward knots with the white around the black.

Step 8

Tie backward knots with the brown around the white.

Step 9

Tie backward knots with the blue strings around the brown.

Step 10

Tie backward knots with the green around the blue.

Step 11

Tie backward knots with the pink around the green.

Step 12

Repeat steps 1- step 11 until it long enough for the size of the wrist.


Edit for the 'Rainbow Arches' Pattern

*NOTE: I felt the original pattern instructions were a bit more confusing than they had to be so I re-wrote them without using specific colors as the core example. I didn't want to remove the original posters work so I am adding on instead.
If the above instructions confused you in some way I hope that this will help you further. Enjoy.

You will need 7 Strings.... there are 6 that will appear knotted + 1 extra that is used for a base only.

Essentially you will work a candystripe across to the end never passing the last thread
you used to knot the previous row. It will decrease every time creating one less knot.

String set up 11 22 33 44 55 66 77

Start with the FIRST thread on the left and work to the right -> across.
11 FK 6 times
22 FK 5 times
33 FK 4 times
44 FK 3 times
55 FK 2 times
66 FK/BK once

(now working back to the <- left)

New string setup: 66 77 55 44 33 22 11

With the THIRD thread from the left work <- back across never passing the last thread you used to knot the previous row.

55 BK 2 times
44 BK 3 times
33 BK 4 times
22 BK 5 times
11 BK 6 times

The first repeat of this pattern is now complete and the original string setup is returned. Begin again to stack.

Altered Version of This Pattern:


The original author of this tutorial is Julesrocks123 but it was also edited by hellokitty9732, k_marie, MeerkatsRule10, Kestrel, Alicat, BeyondBracelets and kleinevos.

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