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The Loop

I am going to warn you that this bracelet is weird, because it had what you would call unfinshed knots, but it is the coolest bracelets I know how to make! Enjoy!

The materials you will need are:
4 colors of embordery floss
clipboard or tape

Step 1: cut 4 strings (all different colors) about 60 inches long, fold-over and make an over hand knot. Tape it to a flat surface or attach it to a clipboard. Set up like a chevron.

Step 2: Make 4 chevrons.

Step 3: Make a forward knot, but stop about 1/2 an inch from the top, then make another forward knot and go al the was to the top. You have made a loop.

Step 4: Make 2 backward knots.

Step 5: repeat steps 3 and 4 3 more times.

Step 6: Do the same to the right side, but use forward knots, and do 4 like the right side.

Step 7: Connect the two sides using the middle strings, and make a forward knot. I is okay since they are the same color.

Step 8: Repeat steps 3-7 until it is at desired lenght, if wanted finish with 4 chverons. Then do an overhand knot to finish.

Note: I will upload a video in the near future, my picture files sizes were too big. Sorry for the inconvenice!!!


The original author of this tutorial is milbug .

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