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Everything For Beginners

If you are a beginner, there are a few things to know before you get started.
1. The 4 basic knots.

To make any friendship bracelet, you'll need to know the 4 basic knots. They appear in all of the bracelets. They are the Forward Knot, Backward Knot, Forward Backward Knot and the Backward Foward Knot. You should check on you tube, there are lots of great sources.

2. What to use for making bracelets

For every bracelet on this site, you can use string or embroidery floss, Leaving it nice and thin, with a crisper look. Some choose to use yarn, it makes the bracelet softer, and wont do well if you get it wet. You can find both of these at a local craft store, like Michael's or Joanne.

3. How to read patterns

If you look, there are a bunch of diagrams showing you how to make the bracelet. The things you need to know are; Always do two knots, or your work will twist, and you always work in rows and know the symbols for the knots. Like for example, The arrow slanting Right, is the Forward knot, the one slanting to the left is the backward knot. There is a great tutorial by zylvester that shows you how to do that.

4. The Generator

The generator is an awesome tool that lets you create your own patterns and learn how to make them. There are 2 types of generators:
Normal Pattern Generator
Alpha Generator BETA

For the normal pattern generator, you type in the amount of information it requires about the pattern like how many rows, knots, colors and so on. This generator is in Hex code. You then click generate and you can see your pattern. For generator this generator, it can be a little tricky. also in the generator, you can save your work for later progress. If your pattern ends up ending differently, you may need to change it, by pressing the change button. The alpha generator lets you create alpha patterns. You create the shape of the pattern you want with the code for your color you want. These patterns are ussually used for names and such.


There are 2 types of patterns: Regular and Alpha. Both of them are super easy to make and generate. The difference between these two patterns is that they have different knots and you learn how to make them a different way. There will be how to make patterns and alphas ASAP.
Hope this helps!
Please comment and tell me what i can do better


The original author of this tutorial is superc .

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