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(( How to... )) Use Graph Paper to Create a Normal Pattern

Using graph paper to create a normal pattern can be done using this method.

Because your 8 1/2 X 11 graph paper are squares, you will want to tilt the paper so that your squares become diamonds. Like this:

Here is another view of my blank canvas:

Sometimes you need to cut and tape extra paper to give you extra diamonds because your normal pattern is bigger than your 8 1/2 by 11 paper will allow. Here is one example of this. Here is how I created a french lily pattern #36972.

Here is a close up of the same french lily pattern:

Here is another example. This is a photo of how I used graph paper to create Christmas Tree pattern #34229.

Here is another view of Christmas Tree pattern #34229

By simply tilting your graph paper, you can use it to create normal patterns.


The original author of this tutorial is Amberlight .

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