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(( How To... )) Shaped Bracelets - Alpha

Ok I'm going to try to teach you how to make shaped alphas. Im soooo sorry the photos are so small im not sure how im going to make them bigger :(

I am going to be using pattern A23875 because I am a nerd! XD

Besides some floss your going to need some fabric glue!

1. Pattern A23875 is 12 strings wide(just the pokeball not including the rows next to it). The top row of the pokeball is 4 strings. Leave out the first and last 4 strings. Knot (with black) only on the 4 strings in the middle.

Add ALL colors in how you would while making multi color alphas

2. Bring in 2 of the 4 strings that you left out on the right side.

3. Bring the background color behind the 2 extra strings and make a backwards knot on both strings.

4. Sub in the red and knot as normal until you reach the end.

5. Bring down 2 of the 4 strings on the left side

6. With the black knot as you normally would on the 2 strings that you brought down.

7. Bring down one more string from the left side

8. Bring the black string BEHIND the new white string and make a forward knot. Make sure that this knot is lower than the row you just made. Sub in your red and when you reach the end add a string on the right and knot over it normally like in step 6.

9. Make one more row without adding any more strings. Add one string to each side and knot how I showed you in the other steps.

10. Hopefully you get how to add strings! :D Now I will show you how to subtract strings! :O (Don't worry its not hard!)

11. When you take away a string do a forward backward knot (left side) or a backward forward knot (right side) the row before. It makes a little easier to work with

12. By now you should have no extra strings. Take the first string on the left side and put it to the Side.

Make sure the string you left out is above the string you are knotting with.

13/14. 13. Make a forward knot on the next string. 14. sub in white or use the letter strings if you used white. Knot as normal until you reach the second to last string. On the second to last string you can make a forward knot or a forward backward knot which ever one you want. The forward backward knot makes it a little easier to with when taking away strings.

15. Take the last string and place it out of use.

Hopefully you get how to make the rows smaller now :) Now I'll show you how to finish once you are done with the pattern

16. Use fabric glue ( I guess super glue would work too) to glue the ends of the strings you subbed in on the back of your charm ( You can call it what ever you want. Charm, keychain, etc.)

17. Fold the ends of your letter strings to the back also.

18. Let dry and your done YAY!!!! :D


The original author of this tutorial is Shegorules but it was also edited by Kestrel, iheartmrbump, vero91 and ghostgecko2023.

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