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(( Beginner Tutorial )) 2-String Friendship Bracelet

Table of contents
1 - Introduction
2 -
3 -
Step by Step
   3.0 -
Step 1
   3.1 -
Step 2
   3.2 -
Step 3


This tutorial will teach you how to make a 2-string friendship bracelet with two colors.


Two different colored strings, A and B. Each string should be about 15in(38cm), however lengths may vary depending on how long you want your bracelet to be

Setup: A|B

Colors Used: A=pink, B=blue

Step by Step

Step 1

Use String A to make a half hitch, also known as a SINGLE knot. String B should now be on the left side where String A used to be.

Step 2

Now, Take String B and make another half hitch(single knot) onto String A. String A should be on the left side again.

Step 3

Repeat steps 1-2 until your bracelet is at your desired length.


The original author of this tutorial is friendship12396 but it was also edited by Stefan, Sareana, Jeckle, flash, k_marie, Kestrel, qwerty333, Alicat and mimah.

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