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(( Bracelets )) Messy Chevron Bracelet

Table of contents
1 - Introduction
2 -
Materials and Set Up
3 -
Step by Step
   3.0 -
Step 1
   3.1 -
Step 2
   3.2 -
Step 3


Hey guys, this is my first tutorial! Please enjoy it, and I'm sure no one has this sort of bracelet on this site. This bracelet was inspired by one of my friends, and is not an original. It isn't a hard bracelet and would recommend a begginer to try out this bracelet.

Materials and Set Up

You will need 6 strings of 6 colours. It should be set up 1,2,3,4,5,6. Always string number four won't be included in the colours, so you should only end up with 5 colours not 6 although there is six strings. You will need to know how to do forward and backward knots to do the messy chevron bracelet.

Step by Step

Step 1

Get the first string and make 3 forward knots across. The set up should now be 2,3,4,1,5,6.

Step 2

Use the sixth string and make 3 backward knots. Your order should now be 2,3,6,4,1,5.

Step 3

All you have to do now is repeat step one and two and it should end up looking like the picture below.


The original author of this tutorial is madds20001 but it was also edited by .

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