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(( Beginner Tutorial )) 2-String Friendship Bracelet ((Double Chain Knot))

Table of contents
1 - Introduction
2 -
3 -
Step 1
4 -
Step 2
5 -
Step 3


This tutorial will teach you how to make a 2-string friendship bracelet with two colors.


Two different colored strings. Each string should be about 15in(38cm), however lengths may vary depending on how long you want your bracelet to be

Example: A=white, B=blue

Setup: AB

Step 1

Use String A to make a half hitch, also known as a SINGLE knot. String B should now be on the left side where String A used to be.

Step 2

Now, Take String B and make another half hitch(single knot) onto String A. String A should be on the left side again.

Step 3

Repeat steps 1-2 until your bracelet is at your desired length.


The original author of this tutorial is friendship12396 .

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