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(( Bracelets )) Alternating Border Chevron

Table of contents
1 - Materials and Set Up
2 -
Step by Step
   2.0 -
Step 1 and 2
   2.1 -
Step 3
   2.2 -
Step 4
   2.3 -
Step 5,6,7
   2.4 -
Step 8
   2.5 -
Step 9
   2.6 -
Step 10
2 -

Materials and Set Up

Made with 2 different colors, arranged ABBBBA ABBBBA
I used black for A & a color-changing grey for B

(lowercase letters indicate the string that will be moved/worked with next)
All threads should be about 65" in length. I used 12, but this pattern can be made with more or less strings too. Just take more or less of the B to make a wider or smaller bracelet.

Note: You should know how to make an inverted chevron to do this pattern. a tutorial for one is found below

Step by Step

Step 1 and 2

The strings should be in this order: ABBBBa aBBBBA. Take both (a) strings and make an inverted chevron. Your strings should now be in this order:AABBBb bBBBAA

Step 3

Make another normal upside-down chevron but only tie 4 knots, stopping before the last A, your strings should now be in this order: aBABBB BBBAbA

Step 4

On the left make a fk/bk with the 1st string(a). On the right make a fk/bk with the 2nd to last string(b). Your strings should be in this order: ABABBb bBBABA

Step 5,6,7

Repeat steps 3&4 till the A strings are back in the middle.

Step 8

Take string (a) and make an inverted chevron again, like in step 2. Your strings should be in this order: AABBBb bBBBAA

Step 9

repeat step 3, because now we're going to make the border alternate to the right side. Your strings should be in the order:AbABBB BBBABa

Step 10

This time you're going to tie a Bk/FK with (b) on the left and a BK/FK knot with (a) on the right (See how its mirrored/backwards?). Your strings should be in this order: ABABBb bBBBABA

Repeat steps 9 and 10 till the A strings are back in the middle.
-From here you can repeat the steps above till the bracelet is long enough.


Note: this video shows this pattern with a regular chevron & not an inverse chevron.


The original author of this tutorial is iheartmrbump but it was also edited by Alicat, Kestrel, hpgames and kleinevos.

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