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(( Closures )) Small braids for a kumihimo

There are several ways you can start and end a kumihimo:

- larksheadknot buckle with braids or a button on the other side

- square knots, without braids

- braids on both sides, with some square knots or chinese staircase in-between the kumi-part and the braids

- small braids on both sides

The last option is shown in this tutorial.

It's easiest to make an overhand knot before starting your kumihimo.

But it's nicer to untie that knot before making a nice ending.

Take one of the strings, you need about 20-30 cm.

Make two half hitch knots around all of the strings, at the end of the braided kumihimo.

Make another two half hitches around all of the strings, about 0,5 - 1 cm from the first two knots.

Take all of the strings, except the one you used for the knots and another 4-6 strings, which will be the braid. You can braid them now, or later on. ( On the picture they are already braided, or rather twisted.)
Put the strings in the direction of the kumihimo, you can add some glue if you like. It will probably hold better that way.

Make knots around it all, like a chinese staircase.

8 and 9 The end of the string can be put through the staircase-part with a needle.

10 Now you only have to braid the 4-6 strings that you have left and cut the ends of the strings, and you're finished:


The original author of this tutorial is kleinevos .

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