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Alternative Daisy Chain Bracelet

Table of contents
1 - Materials
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -


For this bracelet you need string of three colours: one colour for the center of the flower, one for the petals of the flowers and one for the stem. If you want your flower to look like a daisy you need yellow for the center, white for the petals and green for the stems.

For the center colour (yellow) you need one string of 60 cm length.

For the petal colour (white) you need one string of 120 cm length.

For the stem colour (green) you need one string of 235 cm length.

These meassurements are what I needed but if you make the stems longer or shorter or knot tighter or looser than me you might need more or less.


Before making the first flower you need to make a loop. To do that you fold all your strings in half. Then you make the loop by making bf or fb knots around both other strings at once using your green string (stem colour). I made 11 knots but you can do more or less depending on how big you want it to be.

If your loop has reached the desired length secure it down so both ends of the loop are close together.


Bring your strings in the order green, yellow, white, white, yellow, green

Take the left green string and make a fb knot only onto the left yellow string

Take the right green string and make a bf knot only onto the right yellow string

Make any knot between the two white strings in the middle.

Take the left white string and make one b knot onto the left yellow string and one bf knot onto the left green string.

Take the right white string and make one f onto the right yellow string and one fb knot onto the right green string.

Make any knot between the two yellow strings in the middle.

Take the left white string and make one f knot onto the left yellow string.

Take the right white string and make one b knot onto the right yellow string.

Make any knot between the two white strings in the middle.

Take the left green string and make a fb knot only onto the left yellow string

Take the right green string and make a bf knot only onto the right yellow string


Take the left green string and make fb knots onto the left yellow and white string at once. You can do however many knots you want. I did five.

Take the right green string and make bf knots onto the right yellow and white string at once. Do the same amount of knots you did on the left side.

Once you have reached the desired length do the next flower.


Alternate flowers and stems until you have reached the desired length. End with a flower and braid the ends of the strings into two ties that you can use to close the bracelet.


Here are some videos on the daisy chain bracelet that could be helpful for you:


The original author of this tutorial is halokiwi .

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