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(( Patterns )) How to tie A4679

Table of contents
1 - Preparations
2 -

First of all, make sure you understand how to at least make a 2-color alpha bracelet. It would definitely help you understand a multicolored alpha.


This bracelet requires 18, 1 foot-long (12 inches) navy strands of string. These will be your ?base? strings. You will also need whatever main color you want your bracelet to be (I used beige), a bright blue, a white, and a light blue. These 4 colors will be your background colors.

Different people end their bracelet differently, so keep your technique in mind when cutting your strings.

Get your ?I Like it? pattern ready to look at (the vertical pattern, not the horizontal pattern).


Start off by knotting a few rows of your beige (or whatever color you chose) over JUST the 18 navy ?base? strings. Leave the other colors off to the side and out of the way.

Moving left to right, knot 2 beige knots and then 7 navy knots over the beige. Finish the row off and knot two beige going left.

After knotting 8 navy knots over the beige, place the beige string ?out of the way? behind the bracelet and pick up the bright blue. Knot 5 bright blue knots over the navy strings, and then one navy knot over the bright blue.

Put the bright blue ?out of the way?(or as I call it, put it away) behind the bracelet and pick up the beige again. Still going left, knot the beige over the last two navy strings. Be super careful when knotting your first beige knot over the navy. If you pull the knot too tight, your bracelet will start to lay funny. Your knot should definitely be tight, but make sure that when the string crosses from one side of the bracelet to the other, there?s enough slack in between knots for the bracelet to not bunch up.

Knot two beige knots going right and then one navy knot over the beige. Put the beige away and pick up the bright blue. Knot the bright blue over navy five times and tie one navy knot over the bright blue. You can then put the bright blue off to the side for good. You won?t be using it any more.

Now, still going right, pick up the light blue background color. Knot the light blue over navy blue 6 times and then tie one navy knot over the light blue. Put the light blue away and pick up the beige. Knot the two beige knots going right and then the two beige knots going left.

By now, you may be getting the picture of how to switch out background colors and can go ahead and just follow the pattern. If you still need guidance, keep on reading.

Continuing left, pick up the light blue and knot it over the navy 6 times. Knot 6 the next six strings over the bright blue and then pick the beige back up.(putting the light blue string away) Knot two beige knots left and then turn around and knot three knots right over the navy.

Knot one navy knot over the beige and put the beige away. Pick up the white string and knot it four times over the navy. Knot one knot of navy over the white and put the white away. Pick up your light blue and knot it six times before knotting a navy over it.

Put the light blue string away pick your beige back up. Knot two beige knots over the navy.

So far you should have the first 8 lines of the online pattern. You should be able to do the rest yourself!


The original author of this tutorial is Ventusluvr but it was also edited by Mina, Lovemenot, Stefan, piggyfan2, Jeckle and k_marie.

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