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Kumihimo bracelets

Table of contents
1 - Introduction
2 -
What you need
   2.0 -
   2.1 -
Kumihimo disk
2 -
How to make a simple bracelet
   2.0 -
Setup strings
   2.1 -
Tying the bracelet


This tutorial is supposed to teach you how to make Kumihimo friendship bracelets.

What you need


You will need string in different colors. You can use almost all kinds of string, but I prefer to use a little more thivk string than in ordinary friendship bracelets.

Kumihimo disk

You will also need a Kumihimo disk. Such disk can be bought from craft stores.

You can make your own disk out of cardboard. Here is how to do it:

1. Print this kumihimo disk template

2. Glue it onto stiff cardboard.

3. Cut out the disk using a knife (take help from your parents). You can also use scissors but it's easier and gives better results with a knife.

How to make a simple bracelet

In this section I will show how to make a simple spiral kumihimo bracelet. The goal is to teach you the very basic kumihimo tying moves.

Setup strings

For this bracelet, you will need four blue strings and four orange strings (you can of course use any other color). To start, you need to bunch all strings together using an overhand knot or similar.

The second step is to mount the strings onto your kumihimo disc. Put the starting knot in the middle hole in the disc, and then put the orange strings in slots 1, 2, 17 and 18. Put the blue ones in slots 9, 10, 25 and 26.

Each pair of strings will form something we will call a group. We say that we make a kumihimo bracelet with four groups and two strings in each group. In other patterns, there can be any number of groups and any number of strings in each group.

Tying the bracelet

We are now about to tie the bracelet. Fortunately, there is only three moves you have to remember. Start with the group consisting of the orange strings in slots 1 and 2. Let these strings point upwards. In this way, you know what group you are working with.

1. Move the string in slot 2 to slot 16.

2. Move the string in slot 18 to slot 32.

3. Turn the disc counterclockwise so the next group consisting of the blue strings 9 and 10 are pointing up.

You have now done the three basic moves. You continue in the same way all the time. As you might expect, the next moves are:

4. Move string 10 to slot 24.

5. Move string 26 to slot 8.

5. Turn the disc counterclockwise so next orange group is facing up.

Continue in the same way and the bracelet will grow, inch by inch, out of the hole on the back side of the disc.

Images and vids are coming up soon!


The original author of this tutorial is Stefan but it was also edited by Sareana, ilovebracelets1, lalalolo, hpgames, elvisjensen, RockePloeger, Kkgretz, AutumnRane, Acid, braceletlover07, Jeckle, luxnelida, Kestrel, braceletbear, xeric1, Jkoolca, Alicat, kleinevos, squeaker14, Boingo9 and Glenn.

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