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Rag Rug

1. You need 8 colors. Tie a knot at top & arrange 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

2. Do a forward knot with 1 over 2 and 3 over 4, 5 over 6, 7 over 8.

3. Go to #8 and leave it to the side. Use 7 to do a backwards knot over 6, 5 over 4, 3 over 2, and leave 1 to the side.

4. Do steps 2 and 3 until bracelet is desired length.

Tip: It may not look like anything at first, but as you go on, you will start to see the pattern. And if you want your bracelet to look even nicer, add beads on the sides. If you add beads, it looks really cool if the bead is the same color as the string your making the knot with.


The original author of this tutorial is GIMS_Girl but it was also edited by Ulaniad, gracebri, Foz, k_marie and Alicat.

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