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Alphabet Rows and Twists

What You Will Need:
1. 2 colors of embroidery floss of your choosing.
2. scissors
3. little plastic card
4. a place to secure your bracelet while you are working: clipboard, safety pin, binder.. etc.

Amount of Colors: 2
Amount of Strings: 9
How Many of Each Color: 8 stings of one color and 1 string of the other.


Step 1: Cut your strings so that there are 8 strings one one color. For the last color you will need and whole skein of embroidery floss. Wrap it around a little plastic card so it wont get tangled.

Step 2: Tie your embroidery floss in a knot and secure it to one of the things listed above.

Step 3: separate your strings so that the color on the little plastic card (1) is all the way to the left and the strings of the other color (2) are spread out to the right. Your bracelet order should be: 122222222.

Step 4: Take string 1 and tie forward knots across all eight other strings so string 1 is now on the right. You bracelet oder should be: 222222221.

Step 5: Take string 1 witch is now to the right and make backwards knots on all the strings so string 1 is now back on the left. Your bracelet order should be: 122222222.

Step 6: Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you have 8 rows of knots on you bracelet.

Step 7: Take the last 3 strings (should all be the same color) and make 40 forward knots with one string onto the two other strings. (the knots on your bracelet should be twirling around in a spiral when you have finished)

Step 8: Do the same with the next group of 3 strings. (should all be the same color)

Step 9: When you get to the last group of 3, (2 of the strings should be the same color and the 3rd string should be the other color) make sure you are knotting with one of the strings that are the same color and keeping the string on the little plastic card hidden under the knots.

Step 10: Repeat steps 4 through 9 until your bracelet is the length you want.


The original author of this tutorial is Horseluvr823 but it was also edited by Ally_G, Sareana, Jeckle, k_marie, Alicat, TennisKiller82 and kleinevos.

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