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(( How to... )) Working with MS paint

Tutorial for resizing and turning images into Alphas on MS Paint

The following is a tutorial on how to re-size and create alphas in MS paint.
The trick with alphas is getting any image your working with shrunk down as small as you can get it and still see the image.

(At the top of Ms paint there are tabs every thing below can be found by clicking the tab listed.)

How to open a image in MS paint = Click "file" then click "open" use the directory to find the folder your image is in then double click the image you want or click open.

Resizing the image = Click "Image" then "Stretch/Skew" in the top two fields enter in the percentage you want to decrease it by (example 50%) i personally prefer going with increments of 50% then to 75% , (you may have to re-size your image many times, if you know you can drop the image size by half and still see the image fine then go ahead and drop it by 50%, then move to the 75%.)

Once your happy with the size of your image you need to zoom in as far as you can so you can see your image well! the little magnifier glass will not always let you zoom in fully so use the following.

To zoom in to largest size = click "View" then "Zoom" then "Custom or Custom Zoom" select the 800% and click "OK"

Ok, now its time to turn on the grid.
To turn on the grid = click "View" then "Zoom" then "Show Grid"

now you need to clean up your image by fixing the blurred lines and colors. and there ya go your own alpha image that you can use the "print screen" key on your keyboard to copy the whole thing including the grid then you paste the image into MS paint, cut out your alpha and save image!

To create a alpha by scratch = first decide how big you want the pattern to be.( I normally work with 30 pixel's tall by 200 pixels wide.) Click "Image" then "Attributes" then fill in width : 200 Height: 30 and select "Pixels" and "Color (or) Black and White" then "OK" then start creating!!!

here is another tutorial that will help you with MS paint


The original author of this tutorial is Sareana but it was also edited by .

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