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(( How to... )) Use Graph Paper to Create a Normal Pattern

Using graph paper to create a normal pattern can be done using this method.

Because your 8 1/2 X 11 graph paper are squares, you will want to tilt the paper so that your squares become diamonds. Like this:

Here is another view of my blank canvas:

Sometimes you need to cut and tape extra paper to give you extra diamonds because your normal pattern is bigger than your 8 1/2 by 11 paper will allow. Here is one example of this. Here is how I created a french lily pattern #36972.

Here is a close up of the same french lily pattern:

Here is another example. This is a photo of how I used graph paper to create Christmas Tree pattern #34229.

Here is another view of Christmas Tree pattern #34229

By simply tilting your graph paper, you can use it to create normal patterns.

Isometric (i.e. tilted) graph paper can be very helpful as well. Here's where you can print some out in different sizes:


The original author of this tutorial is Amberlight but it was also edited by k_marie and PetertheRoman.

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