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Tips & tricks, problems

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when i do alpha patterns and i do a line of knots each one lays on top of each other and it bunches
2 braceletgirl567 1053 13 years ago
by braceletgirl567
i need that exact thing in alpha like now! im sorry its just my best friend needs it and im so nervo
1 fbcreater156 1181 14 years ago
by craftaddict
Just thought of something. Many patterns are created so the top string colors do not match the botto
6 Lovemenot 1349 14 years ago
by Lovemenot
can someone create a koala bracelet for alpha and post asap
0 HelloKittyFan 1230 14 years ago
by HelloKittyFan
Someone convert this pattern?
I have this pattern, come someone put it onto this site's format? [IMG]
2 Kairedfern 1785 14 years ago
by AleLestat
Betty with jewelry is not ugly
do you like the "mad men"? I found Betty(actually January Jones) is so elegant, even it seems that s
1 Tracy 1293 14 years ago
by Tracy
request only!!
hey guys. i'm really bored and i wanna make some if you have any simple requests for m
8 sammy197 3696 14 years ago
by glasses
Make Friendship Bracelets to help fight Breast Cancer
Please help us with our charity campaign to help fight Breast Cancer with friendship. We are trying
0 MyFBM 1193 14 years ago
by MyFBM
Down Knots
hey everyone :) i've been doing normal bracelets for a long time but I still don't understand how t
2 abbydabbydo 2201 14 years ago
by leli0121
im goin to a anime con and i wanna sell my bracelets there can anyone make some two color alpha patt
0 nanomonki1224 1430 14 years ago
by nanomonki1224

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