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Tips & tricks, problems

thread name replies author views last post
pls help
does anyone know how to make a stove pattern if you do pls post a link
2 bostonfan101 2023 14 years ago
by Belieber12
smaller strawberry
hey people!!!!! i would really like a strawberry like pattern 719 but less threads. can anyone make
1 rayleighg 2180 14 years ago
by golbahar
How to make Kenny?
If somebody knows how to make Kenny from South Park. please write me! I really need your help!
1 kseni4ka 2245 14 years ago
by Pisikpis
how do i read a pattern on grid paper??
ok so if i was going to get a spiral of grid paper, how would i no how to set the strings when gener
24 Joy 4802 14 years ago
by forever44
Does this one...
Does this pattern already exist?
5 JenniferSalome 2000 14 years ago
by CoHa
how to..?
how can i make the pattern look like a sunflower" like im talking to moushtie and i asked him to do
3 fbcreater156 2623 14 years ago
by Emmachick1234
does this look like a lacrosse stick?
im making a lacrosse stick alpha pattern for my cousin because she plays lacrosse and im wondering i
6 spiffehgymnast 4753 14 years ago
by Purple
Help with designing patterns for beginners
So I'm fairly new to making bracelets and I want to know how you guys are making these awesome patte
1 TeamEdward 1998 14 years ago
by spiffehgymnast
Bracelet #146
I made a pattern for bracelet #146, but i'can't upload it! There comes the message: "An error occur
7 Krili 2221 14 years ago
by Acid
Ok here's my problem. I just joined and I'm really exited to start make my own designs but I tried o
3 fieldhockey24 2001 14 years ago
by rayleighg

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