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PLZ HELP ME!!!! by fieldhockey24 14 years ago

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Ok here's my problem. I just joined and I'm really exited to start make my own designs but I tried out the generator thing and its just not working for me. I'm so confused. Everytime I try to make something cool, the picture up at the top looks terrible. Can someone help me plz!!!!!!

RE: PLZ HELP ME!!!! by zsylvester 14 years ago

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First make sure that you are using the right letters for the right knots
second make sure you have the colors and amount of strings right, along with the amount of strings
third make sure you put the right number of rows in it

RE: PLZ HELP ME!!!! by fieldhockey24 14 years ago

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ok, so i get how to work it now but i can only do two different colors without completely messing it up. Does anyone have any tips?

RE: PLZ HELP ME!!!! by rayleighg 14 years ago

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OMG I have the SAME problum!!!!!!!!!!!!


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