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Suggestion for Alpha Generator. by Lovemenot 14 years ago

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I wasn't sure if I should post this here, or in the generator forum. Hopefully I made the right choice.
I am almost certain this has had to be suggested before, but I didn't see anything.

Onto my suggestion.
Keep in mind, as with most people, I don't have an understanding of coding that is even close to what it takes to create this generator.

My suggestion for the alpha generator, perhaps Alpha Generator 2.0? Is for it to be point and click like the normal pattern generator 2. For example, the generator could start you out with a blank grid. There could be plus and minus buttons, just like generator 2, to add more rows and columns. Then we could just click each individual square to add color into it. More clicks change the color, just as clicking the string in generator 2 does.

This is basically what I do in photoshop, I have a blank grid canvas, and I use paint bucket to fill in the squares.

This would be far more easy for the people who have a hard time using the characters in the text box to create masterpieces.

I hope I explained myself clearly. And I surely hope this is possible. Stefan, I know you are busy and what not, but I really hope, that if this is even remotely possible, that you will consider it.

Thanks for reading. :D

RE: Suggestion for Alpha Generator. by Stefan 14 years ago

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Hello Lovemenot!

The question has been asked many times and I am about to make new generators for both normal patterns and alpha. It's slowly progressing though, I have to learn a new programming language at the same time as I make them. But don't worry, the interactive alpha generator will be real one day :-)

RE: Suggestion for Alpha Generator. by Geyn 14 years ago

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I would like it so much [COLOR]Lightblue

RE: Suggestion for Alpha Generator. by heidipandie2 14 years ago

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RE: Suggestion for Alpha Generator. by Lovemenot 14 years ago

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That is very wonderful to hear, and I very much look forward to seeing it come to life :D Thanks for the reply!

RE: Suggestion for Alpha Generator. by collies11 14 years ago

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Thank you very much. I dont mind the ones now but i have had the same thought as lovemont many times...and to stefan thanks for the progressing new generators!!!!


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