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Mess-upps by bluegiraffe1236 14 years ago

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if you mess up on a pattern here are some tips to get back on track...

feel free to add more!!

RE: Mess-upps by bluegiraffe1236 14 years ago

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if you mess up in the beginning then you can just cut off the top and ttie the knot again

if you make a knot that you did not mean to make takke a safety pin and try to loosen the knot so u can get it outt
-this may fray the strings

RE: Mess-upps by collies11 14 years ago

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if you mess up you can:

1) take them out with a needle then resume


3)try to switch the strings around.

All of them work, it just depends on if it needs to be perfect or if your lazy... :)

RE: Mess-upps by bluegiraffe1236 14 years ago

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what do u mean switch the strings around???

RE: Mess-upps by Spark839 14 years ago

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if you tie the wrong string just take out the safety pin that you useing and use the safety pin to pull out the knot


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