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Alpha knot problem? by bella10 14 years ago

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Sometimes people get confused about seeing the left, right, and down arrows in the alpha pattern tutorial insted of the diagonal arrows in normal patterns. There isn't really a difference with the left or right knots with regular diagonal knots. A left arrow would be a backwards knot, and a right arrow would be a forwards knot. A down knot is sort of simular, but once you make it, you would pull the non-letter string strait up and then pull straight down on the letter-string to make the knot. It's the same with both backwards and forwards knots.

RE: Alpha knot problem? by Tzada1 13 years ago

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an aside. when I would make my bracelet I would have problems with my loop at the top getting smaller do to tension . what I would do is cut a small piece of a chop stick and put it through the loop. than when the bracelet was done it was easier to get the thread through to tie the bracelet. just an FYI


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