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Tighter Knots? by usr1524 15 years ago

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I started making really basic friendship bracelets when I was 8 (almost 20 years ago) and got into more "advanced" (it was than) a couple years after that.

I love these bracelets, and I get how to read the patterns (it's just taking some getting used to), but I feel that my knots aren't tight enough. I have lots of gaps. They aren't huge, but I've been looking through the galleries and seeing such tight knots and perfect bracelets.

Any tips?

RE: Tighter Knots? by Punchy 15 years ago

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just pull it up tight and that's the best you can do! i mean i had this problem a week ago and now my knots are too tight!
thats my addvice pull them tight but knot too tight! i mean not to tight!


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