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Finishing knot come undone? by Mockingjay 14 years ago

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Has anyone tied a finishing knot, only for it to come undone? What I do to fix this is to take a small elastic hair band, fold the remaining string in half, and put the hair band on over it. It's a really effective way to close off a bracelet without the strings coming undone, it works for a long time, and if it does come undone, it's easy to close it off again. It may not be as big as a knot, but I use it instead of a knot for the Bracelet Buckle, and it hasn't failed me yet!

RE: Finishing knot come undone? by ConfessorKahlan 14 years ago

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Theres also a super easy way to ensure the knot does not come undone in the first place. I put a drop of clear nailpolish on all my beginning and ending knots. You can't even see it, and it's always worked for me so far.

RE: Finishing knot come undone? by Alzafora 14 years ago

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With instant glue


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