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starting sorry by Gimpy1340 15 years ago

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I know a lot of people have asked this. I just saw on the photos that people start and end w\ brads how do they start w\ one. I used to start w\ a loop and a knot but that is not working when I get to the larger patterns. If anyone has any good ways of starting othrt than the loop and knot I whould appresheat it.

RE: starting sorry by IPF 15 years ago

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With those larger bracelet, I usually make two loops at the top, and end with two braids as usual.
You can also start with two, or even three braids and end with 2-3 braids.

RE: starting sorry by pinkfreak 15 years ago

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how do u do two loops ??
i tried it but didnt succeed ... !

RE: starting sorry by Charlie 15 years ago

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I just braid the ends and tie them together.. U could do 2 braids if it was a larger bracelet on each side if u needed to.

RE: starting sorry by Tokio 15 years ago

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I braid. Its much easier :)
Just try to split into even amounts of string, then braid. For a 22 string bracelet, I did 3 braids. For a 10 string bracelet, I did 1 braid. Just try to make the braids even in string amount and color amount :)

RE: starting sorry by IPF 15 years ago

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two loops: simply divide your threads in half and pin them to your trousers (or to whatever your using) closely together.

RE: starting sorry by IPF 15 years ago

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Here's a sample pic:


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