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RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sneasel 13 years ago

@Foz: "they're all really into sulking and whining and blaming the world for their own shortcomings" Isnt that was Republicans do? ;P sorry, bad joke hehe.
but yeah, when im around them i tend to try and find ways to not listen to them or get away. Such as playing my Ds with headphones, reading, or taking a nap in the back room.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sareana 13 years ago

>.> i know exactly what your talking about Sneasel, where i live there are more churches then fast food joints and gas stations put together, racist is putting it nicely, and there are some areas where even the cops wont go. but i love the land, if i could move up onto the mountain out in the middle of no where with no neighbors for about 15/20 miles i'd be as happy as a pig in crap!

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sneasel 13 years ago

Same here! My dream is to move to a field in Colorado, grow most of my food, and learn falconry :P
But that has nothing to do with anger or
I hate mean people! >:c


RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sareana 13 years ago

I want a Earthship home, be completely off the grid, knock my utility bills down to about 100$ a year, yeah that sounds like a dream come true to me

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by FatnSassy 13 years ago

@Sneasel...I live in northern Mississippi, just a couple of hours from Memphis. I love living here, because I'm very "countrified" (not to be confused with redneck!). I couldn't imagine myself living anywhere else in the world. We're not all backwoods, racist Bible thumpers, though...I promise!

@Sareana...I've been to the Tennessee mountains a couple of times and I love it there! I hope to get the finances back in shape and get back up there soon. It's my favorite vacation spot. I choose the mountains over the beach any day!

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sareana 13 years ago

Same here Sassy, the smell of the Fl ocean makes me nauseous, all salt and fish brine. my dad lives there and i keep trying to talk him into moving back up here. the only thing i dont like about the land in this area of TN is that we dont get enough snow! i'd love to live a bit further north.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by FatnSassy 13 years ago

Well, we hardly get any snow here EVER, but we woke up to a white Christmas this year (first one in my life). And we're expected to get about 8 inches today and tonight... You know the south---everything will shut down completely!

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Gibson_Girls 13 years ago

Bible thumpers? Doesn't that seem sort of rude to you? And, what do you mean by racist?

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sareana 13 years ago

when we of the south say "bible thumper" we mean the Christians that are up in your face telling you your going to hell, I've had it happen, was leaving our annual carnival one year and was verbally assaulted by about 20 people yelling at us telling us we were sinners and that we were all going to burn in hell.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Gibson_Girls 13 years ago

that's not how christians should act and believe me they aren't all like that. some of the best people i've met were christians. it's sad that you haven't had abetter experience with them.


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