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RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sneasel 13 years ago

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Well if you cant be bothered to elaborate, then I have to assume that you're just reacting on the radical feelings and can't express why, but that you only disagree because that's what you've been taught to do.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Carrie 13 years ago

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<3 Sneasel

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by bkwrmi 13 years ago

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Sneasel, I'm inclined to agree with you. I remember the last Clinton election and the first Bush election (I was in grade school for both), and I remember having strong "opinions" based exclusively on the political viewpoints of my immediate family members. Almost nobody at that age has a political viewpoint they've developed for themselves or that they actually understand.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sneasel 13 years ago

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Same here. I remember wishing that Bush was elected, but I had no idea why other than 'My parents like him, too".
Now I'm waaay far away from that (obviously lol), thanks to the critical thinking done during my World history class and our awesome teacher. However, some people didn't change at all. (though I guess I changed a lot more than that that year, too)

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Kitkat 13 years ago

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it really saddens me to read so many peoples opinions of Christians. I am not mad at you all personaly, just sad that someone would cause such an opinion in the name of Christ. People like that have misinterpreted the Bibles meaning for their own good. The Bible tells us NOT to judge others, because who can know a person's heart?

someone was saying that christians just believe because their parents say so. Well, i grew up in a christian home, had doubts on and off all my life till junior high. I was studying mormonism, and started to compare the two, wondering just WHY am i a christian? I confirmed my belife not only through the incredible amount of physical evidence, but also through faith. simple as that.

someone also said that they had never heard of a person just picking up a Bible, and deciding to live by it. really? that suprises me, because i know of serveral people who have done just that.

as for the Bible having too many different writers and being all wrong, i dont have the knowladge to refute any and every contradiction you might try to find, but know this: experts have tried countless times to find a contradiction, but NONE have proved true. which, if you ask me, simply adds to the Bible's credibility, if over 40 writers over thousands of years can write together and not make any contradictions.

my final point (i promise :) is the labeling of Christianity as a religion. I don't have a real problem with that, but i should point out that, Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship. a relationship with God. I can talk to him any time i want, read his word, NEVER be alone. Even if i can't see, hear, smell, or touch him, I have faith that He is there. scoff if you want, but to have PEACE is something very valuble indeed.

thats all i have to say for now. please don't judge, I won't, because I am a Christian that follows the word of God, and God tells me not to judge.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sneasel 13 years ago

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"The Bible tells us NOT to judge others, because who can know a person's heart? "
and then tells you to stone all sinners.

"I confirmed my belife not only through the incredible amount of physical evidence, but also through faith. simple as that. "
And thats exactly what I said people should do. As long as you THINK about that you believe in, instead of blindly following it, you're smarter than the other blind followers.

"someone also said that they had never heard of a person just picking up a Bible, and deciding to live by it. really? that suprises me, because i know of serveral people who have done just that. "
I didnt say I've never heard of a PERSON, I said if that person had never heard of the BIBLE. Big difference.

"experts have tried countless times to find a contradiction, but NONE have proved true."
Which is total crap. Prove this to me, with reputable sources not tied to propaganda.

"but i should point out that, Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship."
No, it's a religion.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Foz 13 years ago

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yay, Sneasel! <3

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by bkwrmi 13 years ago

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Kitkat - There are countless contradictions in the Bible. There are differing (contradictory) accounts of creation. The 10 commandments say "thou shalt not kill" but when the Israelites arrived in the promised land, they were commanded to kill every man, woman and child that was already there and were punished for failing to kill them all.
There are multiple (differing) accounts of the birth of Christ, etc.

Ultimately, every religion is a belief system - followers of that religion BELIEVE but cannot prove their beliefs. Also, your explanation of Christianity as a relationship with Christ is rather limiting - there are many Christians who do not interpret it as such. Christians do not have a monopoly on "Peace" as much as some would like to believe it.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sneasel 13 years ago

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And in fact, if you assert that Christianity is a "relationship" and not a religion, you must also assert that other beliefs are in fact "relationships', too. If not, then your belief in such is purely bias.

In other news, I just got done driving in the snow and ice in my 12-year-old car with absolutely NO traction control. Like driving a rollercoaster from hell.
Needless to say, I had fun.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by bkwrmi 13 years ago

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I'll bet! So glad it doesn't snow where I live, but I'm a little worried about driving home next weekend - I have to go through the mountains, and if there's any snow or ice there, they tend to close the road. The detour adds another 4 hours or so onto an already excruciatingly long drive.


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