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RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Acid 13 years ago

I learnt from a book! I find it frustrating though that finding books about it is almost impossible especially when a shop keeper gives you the that look of " what are you on about!"

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sareana 13 years ago

i actually took a bracelet apart then re tied it, and that's how i learned how to do the simple candy stripe. so i just experimented, i had lost interest in this lovely craft for years then decided to pick it back up and was searching online for any more information on it and found this lovely site and have been addicted to it ever since!

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Tifanna 13 years ago

i taught myself :) i wanted to learn and tried to learn when i was younger but could never figure it out. out of nowhere i decided to try it one time when i was bored and i haven't put it down since

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Huntress 13 years ago

My cousin taught me how to do a Chinese staircase and than a candy strip. I do agree with you on the "How Do You Do This??" topic as well. I know I take pictures of me in the background too. I do black myself out, because I know no one wants to see me and the Bracelet is the star not me.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sneasel 13 years ago

So yeah >: I was sick yesterday, and had to go to work! and my whole body was sore. Today i got to stay home form school, but ive been asleep the whole day lol. Now ive gotta do homework for something that I know is due tomorrow..bleh

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by foshisle 13 years ago

@sneasel just a common cold or worse

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sneasel 13 years ago

We have no idea. Theyll probably bring me to a doctor if I'm still sick tomorrow. I dont think a cold gets you sore all over, though, so it might be the flu >:
Just my luck, too, because i'm the only one in my house who hasn't gotten a flu shot, haha

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Scout 13 years ago

I learned how to make things like the chevron bracelet when I was in about 2nd or 3rd grade, I think, but I never finished one because I'm a fairly impatient person, sometimes. Then, 3 summers ago, I think, a friend got me back into making some bracelets; not complicated ones, but it was a lot of fun, especially since we had a 6 hour bus ride for marching band >.< But then I came home and searched for other bracelets to try to make because I was getting kinda bored with the ones I knew how to make, and I came across this site and tied my first (craptastic) bracelet, which stretched and is now an anklet and finally coming appart xD

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by foshisle 13 years ago

well hope its not the flu:) exept u get to make bracelets:p

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sneasel 13 years ago

I would if my back didnt hurt so much D: I need to finish the Zolino for my boyfriend, and do my sister's and mom's bracelets


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