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Pattern designing etiquette? by craftaddict 13 years ago

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There have been some - shall we say- dicussions lately about copied/stolen patterns so I wanted to check on something. What is the majority thought on making regular patterns based on alpha patterns or alpha patterns based on regular patterns that are published here? Does one *NEED* to get permission from the pattern you are using for inspiration first or just credit them as where you got the idea from?? If I happen to see a bracelet on someone's wrist and think, "that's cool, I want one like that" and design a pattern it would be similar to seeing a pattern and making your own original one based on that. I can see if you made a regular pattern into a regular pattern with only minor changes or an alpha into an alpha. But with going from one type to another, you really are coming up with the knots and etc on your own with just the other pattern as an inspiration. Okay, I hope that makes sense as my 2½ year old is sitting on my lap wanting me to let him play a game!

RE: Pattern designing etiquette? by Frosty 13 years ago

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craftaddict, I usually just say 'based on pattern #' or 'original by username' thus I'm not claiming the pattern as my own design. Not sure what others think of this but at least I'm acknowledging the person who made the pattern originally.

RE: Pattern designing etiquette? by craftaddict 13 years ago

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@Frosty, that would be my opinion, too, but I was wondering what others thought, too. Thanks!

RE: Pattern designing etiquette? by usr24261 13 years ago

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Do you like glee


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