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Chat for Friendship bracelet knotters! by Stefan 13 years ago

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A friend of mine (okok it was Lovemenot's boyfriend) has set up a chat room for us. It is located here:

...and it is supposed to be a test chat room for all knotters out there to see if it's worth integrating into the site. A chat room has been a common request for long but I'm not convinced it will be very good for the site.

So, what do you think about it?

RE: Chat for Friendship bracelet knotters! by Frosty 13 years ago

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I'm with you Stefan. I'm not a fan of chat rooms as I find they cause heaps of problems and arguments. I've been on this chat room a couple of times and found it empty.

However, if we are going to have one, I feel that only members should be allowed to use it. At least that way you can keep and eye on it better. Is there anyway of your getting a copy of each day's activities in case of problems later on?

RE: Chat for Friendship bracelet knotters! by Lovemenot 13 years ago

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Everything is being logged. And the log does not get deleted. Yes it has been very empty since I originally announced it. (Heh, I didn't even get a reply to my forum post :P) I assume a LOT of people don't really pay attention to forums, therefore they may not notice a new post. Possibly an announcement on the front page would help?

I am not totally for the chat room. At this point, it seems like a complete fail. As I have never seen one person there, let alone two that are needed for any type of real conversation... lol

RE: Chat for Friendship bracelet knotters! by Mina 13 years ago

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I have gone on it, and yeah nobody is on. Maybe if you promote it somehow. Send a message to all members? Maybe if you did that, and people like the idea, then there'd be more people on it..? Just a suggestion.

RE: Chat for Friendship bracelet knotters! by collies11 13 years ago

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ill send it to random people telling them to send it on. but i agree with you all. but as long as you do random checks and keep a log, it should be resonably calm.

RE: Chat for Friendship bracelet knotters! by Fuzzywuzzy 13 years ago

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I'm gonna be in there a lot. So stay in there! LOL!

RE: Chat for Friendship bracelet knotters! by KWCreations 13 years ago

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I logged in today and there was no one in there.........However!
I personally like the idea of a chat where all of us can come together and agree or disagree on many subjects having to do with the craft in which we are all interested in.

I really like the lay out of this chat room. It has a lot of cool little features and extras. I tried to register so I could log on as a member, but it won't take the username that I provided or password, So I had to log in as a guest. Which isn't so bad, but as the people above have said, there are no people in there.

This room is still really young though and I think it has alot of potential. Maybe on the main page of you should feature your chat room. I agree with Lovemeknot about people overlooking fourm (I'm a little guilty myself, but I drop in here and there).

Now that I found it I'll try to be there more often. I knot at the computer, hopefully I'll have someone to knot with and have awesome conversation (with nifty sounds).

RE: Chat for Friendship bracelet knotters! by Foz 13 years ago

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ummm, so I tried logging on just to see if things had changed from an hour earlier... but it wouldn't let me. I thought maybe I had to log in using my e-mail (like to log in to this gorgeous site) but that didn't work either. any idea what's up with that?

and I'm really not a big fan of chat rooms... maybe because of the lack of grammar *gg* but I still think it's a good idea, and I'd definitely give it a try :-)

RE: Chat for Friendship bracelet knotters! by KWCreations 13 years ago

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You should try logging in as a guest, just to see if it worked.
Did you register?

RE: Chat for Friendship bracelet knotters! by KWCreations 13 years ago

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Cause I registered and at first it didn't work, I just retried it earlier and it took my username.


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