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Problems with generating patterns?! by Charlie 15 years ago

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Last night i tried to generate a pettern, and every time i finally pressed the "generate and save pattern" button, my computer froze. I thought it was just freezing randomly, but i kept on trying for about 12 more times, and i had the same problem. I thought i might have gotten the 13th through though, or it might have messed up, but i can't be sure. i think then said it has to be approved or something, I dont know. How do i know for sure it went through, and when will it appear as a pattern for everyone? Do i get a notification or something? I'm not sure if it should have been up already, i sent it last night. thanks for helping if you can! :)

RE: Problems with generating patterns?! by Charlie 15 years ago

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oh, sorry, i meant the "save and share pattern" button. :)

RE: Problems with generating patterns?! by pikchiu 15 years ago

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well, stefan has to aprove it first and than it will appear :) maybe in a day or two. he has other things to do, can't be 24/7 on the site :)


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